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No matter if you are looking for raw base material, or a finished consumer product for your business, you have come to the right place.  

Our product consultants will guide you through the entire process from start to finish. Be it choosing the right blend, using encapsulation or rather a liquid product, supplement or skin cream, diffuser liquid, perfume or Eau de Toilette or maybe a shampoo or bath salt, the options are vast.


From the right bottle, to the best closure our team is here to help you make your vision reality. Even if you don't have a label yet for your product, our graphic  studio is ready to jump in and create the right design for you. From blending, to filling, to labeling, we can take care of you every step of the way. 

It's About You

You want a special bottle or closure, that is not displayed on our site? No problem, we will work with you until you are satisfied and your vision is matched just the way you want it. Our philosophy is that when you are satisfied, we are satisfied. 

Individual Care

One of our team members will create an outline with you regarding the specifics of your requirements and will be available to you throughout the whole process. While our whole team is working on your vision, you will have individual ongoing support.

Sales Offer

About 48 hours after your initial talk, we will make you an offer. Something is not feasible? Talk to us and we will do our best, to work with you until you are fully satisfied.  While we are not magicians yet, we are working hard to come pretty close to it. 


Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.

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