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Correct Packaging is a crucial aspect of the Fine Oil Trade as it prevents leakage, contamination of products and early oxidation of volatile and sensitive oils. 

At PlantaExquis we have made it our credo to pay special attention and care to the packaging we use. Be it for bulk shippments of raw materials, or finished consumer products, we make sure the product arrives to you protected and in pristine condition.

Our product consultants pay special attention to the packaging they help you choose and its compatibility with the oils or blends of your choice. 

To learn more about correct packaging, please refer to our publication on the topic.


Essential oils in their pure form can act harshly on packaging materials. It is crucial to take the utmost care regarding containers, droppers, caps and dispensers used. Not to worry we got you covered, be it for your raw or your consumer ready product.

Oxidation & Heat

Our oils store in airtight vessels in a cool and dry area so our oils are sure to do great when they leave our facilities . When we ship raw product to you we use sealed, airtight, sun protected containers and for consumer ready products we find equally safe solutions on an individual basis.

Individualised Packaging

Some blends can be stored in different containers  than others, some are able to be stored in plastics safely in certain dilutions, while others are not. PlantaExquis provides you the necessary expertise to always find the safest solution for your specific product selection. 

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