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Oil Testing

Adulteration manifests across various sectors, exhibiting a notable presence. In the agricultural domain, a prevalent instance involves blending lower-quality crops with premium ones or introducing artificial hues to enhance the visual appeal of fruits. The luxury goods sector similarly grapples with this issue, as counterfeit items constructed from substandard materials cunningly deceive unsuspecting consumers in search of authentic merchandise. Notably, liquids, given their susceptibility to tampering, frequently fall victim to such practices. Hence, it's unsurprising that the essential oil industry confronts a substantial challenge stemming from adulteration. Experts conservatively estimate that the proportion of adulterated products circulating in the market could reach as high as 80%.

That's why, in addition to Standard Physiochemical Testing and Standard GCMS Testing, we also employ Speciality Laboratory Testing for our oils to ensure prestene, unadulterated quality for our entire product range.

Random Sampling

To keep the cost of our products affordable, PlantaExquis uses a spot check calendar for speciality testing. This means that in regular intervals we send samples to one of only a few worldwide existing speciality laboratories in the United States to check for adulterations, that are not visible with regular standard testing.

Manufacturer Audits

We keep a close eye on all our partners in the oil manufacturing process. Only the best maintained production facilities pass our rigorous vetting process. With regular spot testing as well as random visits to manufacturing sites, our consistent vigilance ensures a high level of trust in our products.

Custom Speciality Testing

If you want to go above and beyond, we make state of the art custom laboratory testing available for your specific batch if you feel it necessary. This way you can gain additional certainty, having the oversight of the level of rigorousness you want for your product. 

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