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Respiratory Support

A Careful Selection of Respiratory Blends

Respiratory Support

Blends for scents are mixed according to the recipe of your choice. You can choose one of ours or your own creation.

Immune Shield Bath Blend

Used to infuse bath salts

3 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Benzoin absolute resin
2 drops Cypress

Cold and Flu 3

May have a soothing effect with cold and flu symptoms

2 drops cinnamon 
2 drops pine 
2 drops rosemary

Congestion 2

May have a soothing effect with congestive symptoms

2 drops eucalyptus 
2 drops peppermint 
2 drops cedarwood 

Cold and Flu 2

may help with cold symptoms and fever

1 drop tea tree 
2 drops lemon 
2 drop rosemary

Congestion 1

May assist with congestion and lung clearing

2 drops Chamomile 
3 drops Eucalyptus 
1 drop Anise 
3 drops Lemon 

Cold and Flu 1

Soothes in respiratory and flu like conditions

1 drop eucalyptus 
2 drops lemon 
2 drop rosemary 

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