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Holiday Scents

A Careful Selection of Holiday Scents

Holiday Scents

Blends for scents are mixed according to the recipe of your choice. You can choose one of ours or your own creation. Due to the changing nature of essential oil scents between different manufacturers, we offer to mix your formula in several slightly varying notes and can mail the samples to you so you can fine tune and choose your favourite selection among them.

Holiday Scent

festive and wintery days with family and friends

4 Drops of Pine
1 Drop of Lemon

Summer Scent

A scent for the hot times of the year with lots of sun

2 Drops of Jasmine
1 Drop of Lemon
1 Drop of Bergamot

Christmas Scent

When the days are short and we roll up at the oven

3 Drops of Cinnamon
1 Drop of Frankincense
1 Drop of Vanilla essential oil

Spring Scent

Everything awakens, comes to life and flourishes

2 Drops of Jasmine
1 Drop of Lemon
1 Drop of Bergamot

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