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Spearmint Oil

Spearmint Essential Oil is obtained through the meticulous process of steam distillation from the leaves of Mentha Spicata. This remarkable oil derives its name from the distinctively spear-shaped and pointed leaves that characterise the spearmint plant. Belonging to the Lamiaceae family, Spearmint shares its botanical lineage with other mint varieties. Native to Europe and Asia, it is now cultivated worldwide. Known by alternate names such as Garden Mint and Common Mint, its leaves have been historically utilised to brew tea and flavour beverages, offering relief from fevers, colds, and sore throats. Furthermore, Spearmint leaves were traditionally consumed raw as a natural mouth freshener. The plant was also valued for its digestive properties and its ability to alleviate gastrointestinal issues. In addition, pastes made from Spearmint leaves were employed to treat open wounds, cuts, and muscular pain. The extract of Spearmint has long been employed as a natural insect repellent, warding off mosquitoes and bugs.
Spearmint Essential Oil exudes a remarkably fresh and minty aroma, widely cherished in the realm of aromatherapy. It finds application in the treatment of fatigue, depression, anxiety, headaches, and stress. In the realm of cosmetics, it is employed in the creation of soaps, hand-washes, lotions, creams, and bathing gels. When utilised in massage therapy, Spearmint Essential Oil showcases its anti-spasmodic nature and carminative properties, effectively addressing muscle aches, digestive issues, and promoting improved blood flow. It is harnessed in the formulation of skin treatments targeting boils, pimples, cuts, ringworm infections, athlete's foot, acne, and allergies. In hair care, it is a valuable ingredient for treating dandruff and soothing an itchy scalp.

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Botanical Name:

Mentha spicata

Extraction Method:

Steam distillation

Product Color:

Colorless to a pale yellow

Product Odour:

Strong, Minty and Fresh



Flash Point:

> 66 °C (150°F).

Boiling Point:


Specific Gravity:


Refractive Index:

1.480 to 1.490@20°C

Optical Rotation:

-4°C to-6°C

Usage Application:

Fragrance, Flavour, Pharma

FEMA Number:


EINECS Number:


CAS Number


Organic Available:


Kosher/Halal Available:


Country of Origin:


Available Grades: *

A & B

Laboratory Testing: **

GCMS available, Chirality and Isotope testing upon request

Shelf Life:

24 Months


Keep in tightly closed container in a cool and dry place.

Custom Bottel & Label:



Low risk of skin sensitisation. Low risk of mucous membrane irritation. Contraindications: None known Maximum Dermal Use Level: 1.7%. Safety Recommendations: A dermal maximum of 1.7%, based on a content of 71.6% (–)-carvone, with a dermal limit of 1.2%. The recommended daily oral maximum dose for carvone isomers is 12.5 mg/kg, and this limit is not restrictive. This product holds Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status. IFRA standard for either carvone isomer in leave-on products like body lotions is 1.2% to prevent skin sensitisation. The Council of Europe (1992) has established an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 1 mg/kg for carvone (isomer not specified). This translates to a daily dose of 90–115 mg of spearmint oil (depending on the (−)-carvone content) for an adult, approximately equivalent to three drops.

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Grade A: 100% Pure and Natural (P&N): no additives, most expensive, unaltered, costly.

Grade B: Near to Natural Oils (NNO): adulterated with natural components or similar oils, meeting various industry standards like ISO, C14, physical constants, organoleptic, and chirality.  still relatively costly. 

Grade C: Reconstituted Oils (RCO): blends of natural and synthetic, may not pass tests like C14 and chirality, they meet ordinary GCMS testing and ISO standards.

Grade D: Perfume Quality Oils (PQO): similar fragrances added to imitate original aroma Trained individuals, easily recognised, fails all tests. very inexpensive.


Standard testing is done by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry. 

About 60% of adulterated oils cannot be detected by standard testing.

Additional testing methods are Chirality Testing, Isomeric Testing, Marker Compound Testing, Component Ratio Evaluation and others.

Ask us if all or some of these tests have been performed for your selection of oils. We offer customs testing as needed for larger orders . 


This product should be avoided during pregnancy and by individuals with sensitive skin. Can cause sensitization and shuld be used in very low concentrations. All Essential Oils are highly concentrated, and if applied to skin or body, should be diluted up to a maximum dosage of 4% within a suitable carrier oil.

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