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Bergamot Oil

The essence of Bergamot Essential Oil is meticulously extracted by way of cold-pressing from the peels or rind of the Citrus Bergamia fruit, widely known as Bergamot Orange. This remarkable oil belongs to the Rutaceae family. Native to Italy, it has now gained popularity and usage in various parts of the world. Bergamot has long held a significant place in ancient Italian medicine and Ayurvedic practices, cherished for its potential ability to address digestive issues, improve skin health, and promote a flawless complexion. For centuries Bergamot oil has been utilised as a flavouring agent in food and teas, leaving its unique mark in the world-renowned "Earl Grey Tea." Moreover, its remarkable anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties have made it a staple in medicinal applications and may address various skin conditions such as infections, allergies, and bacterial infections. Furthermore, it finds its place in cosmetic products, working wonders to reduce open pores, control oily skin, and enhance the complexion. Bergamot Essential Oil boasts an uplifting aroma, characterised by sweet and relaxing elements, earning its reputation as a coveted ingredient in perfumery. Additionally, it serves as a natural deodorising agent, often finding its way into perfumes and deodorants. The skin-cleansing properties of this oil, coupled with its elegant scent, make it a prized addition to luxurious shampoos, soaps, and hand-washes.

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Botanical Name:

Citrus Bergamia

Extraction Method:


Product Color:

Light yellow to a dark green

Product Odour:

Sweet, Fruity



Flash Point:

55 deg C

Boiling Point:

159 °C(lit.)

Specific Gravity:

0.862 to 0.933 (at 20 deg C)

Refractive Index:

1.404 to 1.482 (at 20 deg C)

Optical Rotation:

25 deg to 35 deg (at 20 deg C)

Usage Application:

Fragrance, Flavour, Pharma & Nutraceutical Industries

FEMA Number:


EINECS Number:


CAS Number


Organic Available:


Kosher/Halal Available:


Country of Origin:


Available Grades: *

A,B & C

Laboratory Testing: **

GCMS available, Chirality and Isotope testing upon request

Shelf Life:

24 Months


Keep in tightly closed container in a cool and dry place.

Custom Bottel & Label:



Has photo-toxicity which should be labeled adequately. Assuming a maximum bergapten content of 0.33%, and to comply with the 15 ppm (0.0015%) SCCNFP guideline for bergapten, expressed bergamot oil should be used at or below 0.45%, which aligns with the IFRA recommended maximum use level of 0.4%. If treated and rectified by distillation, it is obtainable as bergapten-free Bergamot FCF oil which stands for furanocoumarin-free. Talk to one of our product consultants, as the FCF oil is many times available as well.

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Grade A: 100% Pure and Natural (P&N): no additives, most expensive, unaltered, costly.

Grade B: Near to Natural Oils (NNO): adulterated with natural components or similar oils, meeting various industry standards like ISO, C14, physical constants, organoleptic, and chirality.  still relatively costly. 

Grade C: Reconstituted Oils (RCO): blends of natural and synthetic, may not pass tests like C14 and chirality, they meet ordinary GCMS testing and ISO standards.

Grade D: Perfume Quality Oils (PQO): similar fragrances added to imitate original aroma Trained individuals, easily recognised, fails all tests. very inexpensive.


Standard testing is done by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry. 

About 60% of adulterated oils cannot be detected by standard testing.

Additional testing methods are Chirality Testing, Isomeric Testing, Marker Compound Testing, Component Ratio Evaluation and others.

Ask us if all or some of these tests have been performed for your selection of oils. We offer customs testing as needed for larger orders . 


This product should be avoided during pregnancy and by individuals with sensitive skin. Can cause sensitization and shuld be used in very low concentrations. All Essential Oils are highly concentrated, and if applied to skin or body, should be diluted up to a maximum dosage of 4% within a suitable carrier oil.

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